We keep you fully up to date with all the risks, hazards, incidents, processes and other information which you will need to show you are taking reasonable steps as an event organiser under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.
Eventsafe work closely with Council, Venue Management, Promoters, Production Managers, site managers, site staff, contractors and touring staff to supervise all aspects of Health & Safety at your event.
Onsite H&S Officers
Risk Assessment documents
Hazard / incident / injury reporting systems
Contractor H&S Liaison
Event site safety induction systems
Event H&S Signage and general event signage
H&S Branding, vests, hazard tape and all consumables required
Staff Training for Events and Sponsorship Activations
Tag & Testing
Eventsafe have existing working relationships with local and international event professionals. We aim to promote safe practice within the entertainment and sponsor activation industry.